Team Working Agreements Template

Team working agreements are crucial when it comes to establishing clear expectations and standards for team interaction, communication, and collaboration. A team working agreement template is an essential tool for ensuring that team members are on the same page and understand their roles and responsibilities. Here is a guide on how to develop a team working agreement template that supports a healthy team culture.


The introduction should include the purpose of the team working agreement, why it is important to have one, and how it will help the team achieve its goals.

Values and Behaviors

This section outlines the values and behaviors that the team agrees to follow. It is essential to include a clear definition of what each value and behavior means and how it should be practiced within the team.

Roles and Responsibilities

This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of each team member. It should be clear who is responsible for what task, and how each member will work together to achieve the team`s objectives.


Effective communication is crucial in any team environment. This section should outline the communication channels and methods that will be used, such as email, messaging apps, or in-person meetings. It should also include guidelines around the frequency of communication and how to handle any conflicts that may arise.


This section outlines how the team will conduct meetings, the frequency of meetings, and what will be discussed during each meeting. It should also include guidelines around meeting structure, such as agendas, timekeeping, and how decisions will be made.

Feedback and Reviews

Feedback and reviews are essential tools for improving team performance. This section should outline how feedback and reviews will be given, the frequency of reviews, and who will be involved in the review process.


In conclusion, a team working agreement template is a crucial tool for any team that wants to establish clear expectations and standards for effective collaboration. It provides a framework for team members to work together cohesively and achieve their shared objectives. Use this guide to develop your own team working agreement template and support a healthy team culture.