Rocket League How to Accept License Agreement on Switch

Rocket League is a popular game that has attracted a huge following across different platforms. A version of the game is also available on the Nintendo Switch, which is a hybrid console that enables gamers to play their favorite titles on the go or on their TV. However, some players may encounter difficulties accepting the license agreement when installing the game on their Switch. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to accept the license agreement on Switch.

Step 1: Launch the Rocket League Game

The first step is to launch the Rocket League game on your Nintendo Switch console. You can do this by navigating to the game icon on your home screen and clicking on it.

Step 2: Choose “Options” from the Main Menu

Once you have launched the game, the main menu will appear. Choose the “Options” menu from the main screen by clicking on it.

Step 3: Select “Legal Notices”

After clicking on the options menu, select “Legal Notices” from the list of available options. This will display the Rocket League License Agreement.

Step 4: Read and Accept the License Agreement

To read and accept the license agreement, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “I Accept” button. This will indicate that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the license agreement.

Step 5: Start Playing Rocket League on Switch

Once you have accepted the license agreement, you can now proceed to play Rocket League on your Nintendo Switch console. You may need to download any necessary updates or additional content before you can start playing the game.

In summary, accepting the license agreement on Rocket League for Switch is a simple process that can be completed in a few steps. By following the above guide, you can easily navigate through the legal notices section and accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement. This will enable you to start playing the game and enjoy the unique experience that Rocket League has to offer to gamers on the Switch platform.