Nzei Collective Agreement

The NZEI Collective Agreement: Understanding the Benefits for Teachers

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of any nation. They impart knowledge and skills that enable learners to achieve their full potential. However, like all other professionals, they also deserve a fair and just compensation for their efforts. That`s where the NZEI Collective Agreement comes in.

What is the NZEI Collective Agreement, and why is it important?

The NZEI Collective Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) and the government. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment for primary and intermediate teachers, as well as for support staff in schools.

The agreement covers various aspects of employment, including salaries, paid leave, job security, and professional development. It also provides for minimum standards of service delivery, such as class size and staff ratios, to ensure that teachers can deliver quality education to their students.

For teachers, the NZEI Collective Agreement is important because it provides them with job security, fair wages, and a range of benefits that enable them to focus on their teaching. It also ensures that their work is valued and that they have a voice in decision-making processes that affect their work and the education system.

What are the benefits of the NZEI Collective Agreement for teachers?

1. Fair wages and conditions

The NZEI Collective Agreement provides for fair and reasonable salaries that reflect the work and responsibilities of teachers. It also sets out minimum levels of service delivery, such as class size and staff ratios, to ensure that teachers can deliver quality education to their students.

2. Professional development

The agreement provides for professional development opportunities that enable teachers to improve their skills and keep up-to-date with changes in the education system. This helps teachers to provide the best possible education to their students.

3. Job security

The agreement provides for job security, which is particularly important in an uncertain economic environment. Teachers can be confident that their jobs are secure and that they can focus on their teaching without worrying about job security.

4. Work-life balance

The agreement provides for paid leave, such as annual leave and sick leave, which enables teachers to take time off when they need it. This helps to ensure a healthy work-life balance and allows teachers to take care of their health and wellbeing.

5. A voice in decision-making

The agreement provides for consultation and participation in decision-making processes that affect teachers` work and the education system. This ensures that teachers have a say and can contribute to improving the education system.


The NZEI Collective Agreement is an important document that protects the rights and interests of teachers and support staff in schools. It provides for fair wages, job security, professional development, and a range of benefits that enable teachers to focus on their teaching and provide the best possible education to their students. By understanding the benefits of the agreement, teachers can better appreciate the value of their work and the role they play in shaping the future of New Zealand.